Sometimes, all it takes is one design to spark an Erstwilder obsession, and that was certainly the case for Willow. From one little Dinosaur to a whole collection of EW accessories in a matter of days, a super fan was born!
Coining the term ‘Erstiverse’ (which of course we love), Willow’s love affair with Erstwilder seems to be written in the stars. Back in 2020, we released a design called ‘Mama Bear’ which also happens to be the affectionate nickname given to Willow by her daughter. This design sold out almost immediately, and just when it appeared as though she wouldn’t be able to get her hands on one, the stars aligned in the form of an Erstwilder Lucky Dip delivered straight to Mama Bear herself.
Willow says that her Erstwilder collection has brought a new element of joy to her wardrobe, sometimes even inspiring her to sew outfits based on Erstwilder original designs.
Read on to find out more about wonderful Willow, her incredible collection, and her Erstwildian journey to date.
Which design was your first Erstwilder piece?
My very first piece that I purchased was ‘Pterry Pterasaur’ back in 2016, from my fabulous local stockist Natasha Marie Clothing. Within 2 days, I had started a collection by chasing up the whole set of brooches - I bought ‘Peak-a-saurus' next, then ‘Bronte and Bub’, then ‘Cera says hello’ and ‘The rap pack’ and finally ‘Scotty Stegasaurus’. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Dinos!!!
Which piece is your absolute favourite and why?
My absolute favourite piece is ‘Peak-a-saurus Rex’! I'm a huge Dino lover and she has been with me for some pretty big moments in my life - if I ever got married, I'm sure she'd be with me for that too! I can't put into words what it is about her, just that she's my most favourite piece. I don't wear her on the everyday occasion because if she got broken or fell off, I'd be completely inconsolable!!
Which design sparks joy?
When Mama Bear was released, it was the Erstiverse giving a piece that's special to me and my baby girl, who calls me Mama Bear so it was so perfectly fitting. Sadly, it sold out within nano seconds so I couldn't get it BUT I bought a lucky dip for my birthday and left a note for the team saying it was my birthday and I would absolutely adore that brooch if there's any hidden away somewhere and not only did I get Mama Bear, I also received a handmade card which sparked so much joy for me, I will never ever forget it!!! Just one of the bajillion reasons I love Erstwilder so much!! When I wear Mama Bear it sparks genuine joy for my baby girl and for the genuine kindness of the Erstwilder team.
Which design gets complimented the most?
I would have to say Bendy Wendy Doll is the most complimented piece I wear. So many older ladies have stopped me and commented on her, they tell me stories of their dolly as a child, and I can see the flush of joy that fills inside them when they talk about it. She's a really special piece that I do wear a lot, maybe because she's fun or maybe because I love listening to the elderly reminisce.
Which design do you wear the most?
This is a hard one because I try to wear all my brooches often, however if I could whittle it down to a handful, it would have to be 'Here's Brucey', 'Jurassic Thunder', 'Bendy Wendy Doll', 'Follow the sun' and 'Nuts and Bolts Robot'. I definitely reach for these comfort pieces more than most.
Why do you like to wear brooches?
Brooches just make life better! Whenever we went to visit my great grandparents, my Nana was always wearing a brooch, some stunning piece that matched her earrings, she would show me her collection and let me wear a piece when I was there, so I guess brooches just remind me of her and the best parts of my childhood. Though don't they just look super fun and amazing too!
A list of your top 10 pieces?
Peak-a-saurus Rex
Bronte and Bub
Jurassic Thunder
Here's Brucey
Nuts and Bolts Robot
Tom's Tormentor
Bendy Wendy Doll
Cuddly Cactus
Budding Romance Rose (OG)
Follow the Sun
Anything else you’d like to mention!
Finding Erstwilder has brought a new element of joy to my wardrobe, if I'm having a ‘meh’ day, I pop on a brooch and I feel lifted! I don't go crazy with the collecting; I buy pieces that really spark joy for me. So, all my pieces have a feeling for me, I love and adore sooooooo many designs however I can admire them on others, being loved and styled and seeing the joy they bring to others but for me, I keep a polite collection, on display (out of direct sunlight and secured safely) on embroidery hoops for a magnificent decoration in my bedroom. I have been inspired by the designs in my sewing and made a few fabulous dresses with the designs appliqued on them, I have made paper art of my beloved Peak-a-saurus Rex in a shadow box that adorns my wall, I have made dresses to match new brooches and bought brooches to match my new dresses. Brooches have brought much joy to my life, and they will continue to do so for many years to come! I'm an Erstwildian, heart and soul!
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