In The Spotlight: Meet Trish!

As a teacher for many decades, Patricia (whom many Erstwildians fondly know as Trish) understands the power of wearable art better than most. With a sizable brooch AND earring collection, you’ll rarely find her out in the wild without a beloved accessory or two! 

Learn more about Trish’s passion for fashion, collecting, and community, in our interview below.

How and when did you first discover Erstwilder?
I have always worn brooches and collected many costume jewellery styles over the years. I found wearing brooches was easier than managing necklaces when working with young students in Primary School. I found quirky handmade crafted pieces and even created a few myself from family vintage pieces. I started to become aware of more upmarket ‘wearable art’ in glorious resins through friends, and then discovered the world of Erstwilder when I was gifted my first couple of pieces.

Which design was your first piece? 

My first piece was Oscar Wildenfox (Louisa Camille 2017) which was gifted to me in 2018. Not long after that, another piece was gifted - Anouk's Lost Letter (Louisa Camille 2012). From then I was HOOKED! So, for the last 6 years or so, I have steadily built up my Erstwilder collection with passion - some would even say obsession!

Do you like to collect any specific designs or themes?

YES! I love florals, birds, insects, animals, quirky animals, creatures wearing glasses and Australian flora & fauna. I am a great fan of collaborations with Pete Cromer, Jocelyn Proust, Terry Runyan, Louisa Camille, Jess Racklyeft, Sally Land, Carmen Hui and Eleanor Leung to name a few. While I love brooches, I have almost the same number of earrings as I do brooches, and that is a lot! I have over 300 brooches at last count. I also love wearing the rings and playing with the positioning of the cardi clips. I don't own any of the stunning statement necklaces as I just don't wear them. However, the scarves are another beautiful neck adornment (and can hide a multitude of sins!)


Which design gets complimented the most?  
Any Erstwilder brooch (or accessory such as earrings, rings, cardi clips and scarves) that I wear always gets compliments or curiosity. People often ask me "What combination are you wearing today Trish?"

Which design do you find you wear the most? 

The florals, plants, insects & birds are probably the most regularly worn as they go with just about anything. I try to wear a piece or two every day - even if it is just to wear around the house. I enjoy wearing them all, and I have all my brooches on display pinned to artist canvas boards in my bedroom. Collectively assembled like this they are works of art that I can admire every day and it makes it easy for me to choose what to wear each day.


Why do you like to wear brooches / wearable art?

Wearable art is such a wonderful form of self-expression, as well as colour. I refuse to be beige in my old age!
I love wearing colourful clothes and accessories, and Erstwilder pieces fit that ethos so well. They can be both striking statement pieces, or can be a muted statement on a sombre occasion. They can be a pop of colour on a dull day, or they can become a riot of quirky mismatched fun. 
Prior to my retirement from Primary School teaching a few years ago, I used to use the brooches as teaching aids too. They appealed to the children and were a great talking point.
After I retired, I thought that I should put away "childish things" and I did pass on quite a few. However, I have decided that I really loved those quirky little pieces of art, so have put them back in rotation. I have realised that I was kidding myself that I was doing it for the students. I now know that I am wearing art pieces for ME!
Yes, Erstwilder does spark joy to those around me who see it, and it makes my heart SING when I wear Erstwilder.

If you could choose any design to include in a future Fan Favourite release, what would it be? And what colours?!

I do have a list! But my number 1 pick would be to do another version of Bellamy the Black Sheep (Louisa Camille originally designed it in 2013). This time, however, I would love a plain WHITE sheep with black face and black legs (then it would match the Sheffield the Sheepish earrings that I have). I really love all of the earlier Louisa Camille designs from the early days. They have such clean lines, rounded edges, organic design features and stupendous resins. They are truly beautiful - in my humble opinion. I will put my other suggestions into the Erstwilder Museum.

Anything else you’d like to mention?  

YES! Things I love about Erstwilder:
I love the way that Erstwilder has evolved over the years. The themed packaging, the labels on the back of the box and the dedicated Facebook group. I love the support and friendship of the wonderful brooching community. I love discovering all the fabulous stockists around the country and even meeting some of them. I love the Erstwilder Museum with all its intricate detail. I love the passion of the EW team, the wonderful customer service and the way that this small Australian business brings joy to so many. I love that Erstwilder is a perfect ‘fit’ for everyone - literally & figuratively. Earrings, brooches, scarves, necklaces, hair clips, rings etc fit us all, no matter our size or shape - as beautiful wearable artworks. They spark joy for all ages - from children to grandparents. There’s something for everyone with Erstwilder - it’s all inclusive. That’s what I love about Erstwilder.

Top 10 EW brooches of all time?

What a difficult task! How can I just pick 10?? I feel very lucky to have either the original brooch from this list - or a later version - in my collection of wearable art.
1.  Bellamy The Black Sheep
2.  Heartfelt Hydrangea
3.  Anouk's Lost Letter
4.  Kallista The Kookaburra
5.  Candy Callistemon
6.  Shortsighted Sophie
7.  Lotus Rising
8.  Karmen Kingfisher
9.  Oscar Wildenfox
10. The Splendid Fairy Wren

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