Exit through the giftshop (that's erstwilder.com)
Pouncing Paulette Mini Brooch
Charles III Mini Brooch
Dapper Dachsund Mini Brooch
Marc the Maltese Mini Brooch
Boof Bulldog Mini Brooch
Chi Chi Chihuahua Mini Brooch
Scooter the Scotty Mini Brooch
Staffy Stan Mini Brooch
Adoring Polly Pug Mini Brooch
Garrison The Greyhound Mini Brooch
Darcy The Dachshund Mirror Compact
Darcy The Dachshund Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece
Darcy The Dachshund Brooch
Ruff Ruff-les Mini Brooch
A Pooch Amongst the Pom Poms Mini Brooch
Spectacular Spectacles Iris Mini Brooch
Charming Chaperone Brooch
Interplanetary Pug Brooch
Daring Dogmonaut Brooch
Robo Spiffy Brooch
Run Scottie, Run! Brooch
Madame Amore Brooch
New Tricks Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece
New Tricks Stud Earrings
Give the Dog a Bone Brooch
New Tricks Mini Brooch
Symphony of Speed Brooch
Order of the Pug Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece
Long Dog Necklace
Long Dog Brooch
Scottie Love Brooch
Whiskered Snout Brooch