Exit through the giftshop (that's erstwilder.com)
Frida's Cat Brooch
Custard Cat Mini Brooch
Strawberries and Custard Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece
Curious Custard Brooch
Under the Tree Brooch
A Kitty Christmas Brooch
A Present for You! Brooch
Candy Cane Treat Brooch
That's a Wrap Brooch
Costume Contest Brooch
Hello-ween Kitty Brooch
Always Growing Brooch
Count with Kitty Brooch
Learn to Spell Brooch
Take to the Sky Necklace
Take a Break Earrings
Hello Kitty Earrings
Hello Kitty & Mimmy Brooch
Hello Kitty Cardigan Clips
Balloon Heart Brooch
Time for a Skate Brooch
Lesson One Brooch
Hello Kitty Heart Brooch
Meet Kitty White Brooch
Hello Kitty Brooch