Exit through the giftshop (that's erstwilder.com)
Winston the Westie
Willy Woof Woof
Waldo the Wacky Wise Owl
Tuffy’s Puppy Treat
The White Rabbit
The Manhattan Mouse
Terrence Toucan
Staffy Stan
She’s so Foxy
Sea Maiden Jane
Scooter the Scottie
Saskia Squirrel
Samuel the Silly Sausage
Sally Singing Solo
Queen Bee
Preston Pug
Pouncing Paulette
Porridge the Poodle
Paige the Prancing Poodle
Mrs Apple and Mr Worm
Mrs Mushroom
Miss Kitty Devine, Pearls and Wine
Longing Larry Labrador
Kanga the Kooky Roo
Kallista the Kookaburra
Hilda Hippo
Grooming Gracie
Egbert the Echidna
Cherie Cat
Bonnie’s Bone Adventure
Beatrice Beagle